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Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments


Author Topic: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments  (Read 712235 times)

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #270 on: April 26, 2007, 10:55:45 am »
On the other hand, almost everything S&A says is funny.

That's giving him a bit too much credit there, SBW. >_>

<GerbilSoft> fu
Mike do remember that 87.8383924% of statistics are made up on the spot. X)
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #271 on: April 26, 2007, 01:00:13 pm »
Then I present to you the whole log:

[21:52] *** sonicandamy has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[21:52] sonicandamy: hows it going!
[21:52] PPA: :o
[21:52] *** genus has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[21:52] sonicandamy: :o
[21:52] *** genus has left #sonicfuntalk.
[21:52] PPA: XD
[21:52] PPA: Hello.
[21:53] sonicandamy: ppa: what happends to SR it randomly anouced all records?
[21:53] PPA: Sonic R?
[21:53] PPA: There are new charts.
[21:53] PPA: For Time Attack mode, forward and in reverse.
[21:53] sonicandamy: o were?
[21:53] sonicandamy: oic
[21:54] sonicandamy: thats kool
[21:54] *** sonicandamy has been kicked from #sonicfuntalk by NO: >:)
[21:54] *** sonicandamy has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[21:55] sonicandamy: no?
[21:55] * NO *
[21:55] sonicandamy: whos that?
[21:55] * NO one
[21:55] PPA: XD
[21:55] sonicandamy: so a bot?
[21:55] PPA:  /whois NO
[21:55] * NO *
[21:55] PPA: <__<
[21:56] sonicandamy: :o
[21:56] * sonicandamy No
[21:56] Groudon: No.
[21:56] Groudon: NO
[21:56] sonicandamy: lol
[21:56] PPA: No.
[21:56] sonicandamy: o you mean as in N-O
[21:56] sonicandamy: no just flat out no
[21:56] * NO as in, NO.
[21:57] sonicandamy: i dont get it
[21:57] PPA: No as in nou, just without the u. >_>
[21:57] sonicandamy: oo0o0o
[21:57] PPA: ...
[21:57] sonicandamy: so its gerbilsoft?
[21:58] PPA: No.
[21:58] sonicandamy: omg...
[21:58] *** sonicandamy is now known as YES.
[21:58] PPA: ban
[21:58] * YES
[21:59] Groudon: Speaking of yes...
[21:59] Groudon: !search urafag
[21:59] GerbilEgg: Groudon: Quotes matching your search: 75
[21:59] Groudon: !quote 75
[21:59] GerbilEgg: Quote: 75 --> <GerbilSoft> urafag | <sonicandamy> yes
[21:59] *** YES has been kicked from #sonicfuntalk by NO: Mimicry is bad
[21:59] PPA: X)
[21:59] PPA: So that's a sonicandamy.
[21:59] *** Guest07274 has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[21:59] PPA: The first time I saw one in free nature. :o
[21:59] *** Guest07274 is now known as sonicandamy.
[22:00] *** Achlys has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[22:00] PPA: Hello.
[22:00] Achlys: !seen urmom
[22:00] GerbilEgg: Achlys: Person, who 2d 19h ago used nick urmom, last spoke 2d 17h ago.  2d 17h ago jako Quelquun they left with the message: Quit: This just isn't my day! (Ping timeout)
[22:00] sonicandamy: lol nature
[22:00] sonicandamy: nature wips my butt
[22:00] Achlys: is this the one and only?
[22:01] PPA: No, it's two in one.
[22:01] PPA: Well, it's two.
[22:01] NO: Sadly so
[22:01] PPA: But one.
[22:01] sonicandamy: im the one and only sonicandamy..
[22:01] Achlys: orly?
[22:01] PPA: But Sonic and Amy are two!
[22:01] NO: :o Aerial Ace looks slick
[22:01] NO: ....uh
[22:01] sonicandamy: so there one, they did the fusion-ha
[22:01] NO: Wrong channel
[22:01] *** flyby has signed off IRC (Quit: This just isn't my day!).
[22:01] sonicandamy: no*
[22:02] sonicandamy: im trying to beat the iron gaint in the secert dungan in ff3
[22:02] sonicandamy: for the ds?
[22:03] sonicandamy: f codes anyone?
[22:03] PPA: f codes?
[22:03] sonicandamy: then when i get pokemon you can talk to sonicandamy in real life!
[22:03] sonicandamy: freind codes
[22:04] NO: Good Lord
[22:04] NO: Id rather not
[22:04] PPA: Oh, I see.
[22:04] sonicandamy: lol me and bertin are gona run riots on pokemon when we get it
[22:05] PPA: (Link:
[22:05] PPA: Work of genius.
[22:05] PPA: >_>;
[22:05] sonicandamy: lol wth pylons
[22:06] sonicandamy: lol link looks gay in that game
[22:07] sonicandamy: why would some one make that?!
[22:08] PPA: Money.
[22:08] sonicandamy: he got money for that?!
[22:09] PPA: Who is he? >_>
[22:09] sonicandamy: the guy who made the plyon moviwe
[22:09] sonicandamy: pylon
[22:09] PPA: No.
[22:10] PPA: I thought you were talking abut the CD-i games the original cutscene is from.
[22:11] sonicandamy: o well i guess that would fit with ^ to
[22:11] Groudon: s&a: Last night, you said you can't beat any of my EBA scores, is that correct?
[22:11] PPA: However.
[22:11] PPA: (Link:
[22:11] PPA: (Sorry Groudon, i didn't see your post. D=)
[22:11] PPA: *I
[22:12] Groudon: Well, if what he said is correct, he must suck worse than me on one level.
[22:12] Groudon: Bottom of (Link:
[22:13] Achlys: I was extremely happy with that HC1K time.
[22:13] Achlys: But it was blue.
[22:13] Achlys: >_>
[22:13] sonicandamy: lol omg eggman got even fatter
[22:13] PPA: o_O
[22:13] PPA: Not in StH2006...
[22:13] *** PsyBorg has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[22:13] PPA: :o
[22:13] sonicandamy: lol captian planet!!!
[22:13] PsyBorg: omfg u
[22:13] PsyBorg: ... s&a?
[22:14] sonicandamy: ya
[22:14] *** You are now known as PsyPotatoAlucard.
[22:14] Groudon: s&a: If you can't beat the crappy score I just posted a link to, you really suck.
[22:14] PsyBorg: And that's REALLY an insult
[22:14] Achlys: v_v
[22:14] sonicandamy: lol sorry about sumbiting my stats psy XD
[22:14] PsyBorg: because groudon sucks a big one.
[22:14] Groudon: No, that's RPG.
[22:14] * PsyBorg run
[22:14] *** Achlys is now known as Quelquun.
[22:14] PsyBorg: s&a: urafag ok
[22:14] PsyPotatoAlucard: :o a someone.
[22:15] *** Groudon is now known as someone.
[22:15] PsyPotatoAlucard: (Achlys)
[22:15] someone: hi
[22:15] *** someone is now known as Groudon.
[22:15] PsyPotatoAlucard: XD
[22:15] *** NO has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[22:15] PsyPotatoAlucard: ***someone is known as Groundon.
[22:15] Quelquun: !seen urmom
[22:15] sonicandamy: can the fake barrel roll?
[22:15] GerbilEgg: Quelquun: Person, who 2d 19h ago used nick urmom, last spoke 2d 18h ago.  2d 17h ago jako Quelquun they left with the message: Quit: This just isn't my day! (Ping timeout)
[22:15] Quelquun: >_>
[22:15] *** RPG has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[22:15] sonicandamy: lolpg
[22:16] Groudon: ...
[22:16] Quelquun: ...
[22:16] PsyPotatoAlucard: ...
[22:16] sonicandamy: ...
[22:16] Quelquun: I ... your ...
[22:16] Groudon: s&a: I really hope you can beat at least one of my EBA scores.
[22:16] Groudon: And Psy: Don't say anything.
[22:17] PsyBorg: a
[22:17] PsyBorg: whoops.
[22:17] Groudon: ...
[22:17] sonicandamy: i beat the hard cock survior one
[22:17] Groudon: Besides that.
[22:17] PsyBorg: uh what.
[22:17] PsyPotatoAlucard: "hard cock survior"?!
[22:17] PsyPotatoAlucard: ...
[22:18] PsyBorg: hard... cock... survior?
[22:18] Quelquun: Please tell me that was intentional.
[22:18] PsyBorg: translate, groudon, i DEMAND it.
[22:18] Groudon: s&a: Bottom of (Link:
[22:18] sonicandamy: it was
[22:18] sonicandamy: screw jumping jack flash that gave me hell!
[22:18] Groudon: Psy: translation is...
[22:18] Groudon: Hard ROCK! difficulty, on the song Survivor.
[22:18] *** RPG has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[22:19] Groudon: Did I say something wrong?
[22:19] *** RPG has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[22:19] PsyBorg: o.
[22:19] PsyBorg: so in other words, S&A likes hard cock?
[22:19] sonicandamy: no one likes hard cock
[22:19] Groudon: Except RPG.
[22:19] sonicandamy: o ya
[22:20] Groudon: !search cock
[22:20] GerbilEgg: Groudon: Quotes matching your search: 205
[22:20] Groudon: !quote 205
[22:20] GerbilEgg: Quote: 205 --> <+RPG> A huge cock flapping across your TV screen
[22:20] sonicandamy: i saw that!
[22:20] Groudon: o rly?
[22:20] sonicandamy: if hes talking about meat spin
[22:20] PsyBorg: Meatspin doesn't exist.
[22:20] PsyBorg: god, you people are fuckheads.
[22:20] Groudon: 1337spin
[22:20] sonicandamy: yes it does!
[22:21] Groudon: (Link:
[22:21] * PsyPotatoAlucard doesn't want to click that link, but is curious what it it
[22:22] sonicandamy: whoa guys check this out (Link:
[22:22] Groudon: It's the spin of 1337!
[22:22] sonicandamy: its ocarina of time played like halo
[22:22] sonicandamy: after the first minute of it
[22:22] PsyPotatoAlucard: It's a football.
[22:23] * PsyPotatoAlucard watches and is actually quite impressed
[22:23] *** You are now known as PPA.
[22:24] sonicandamy: dude i gota find that ar code to do that
[22:25] *** NO has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[22:25] Groudon: New YouTube Poop :o
[22:25] Groudon: (Link:
[22:26] *** NO is now known as Guest59972.
[22:26] PsyBorg: :O!!!!!
[22:26] * PsyBorg watchification
[22:26] * PPA too
[22:26] PPA: ...
[22:26] PPA: OLD
[22:26] PPA: There are already two more:
[22:26] Groudon: Not to me.
[22:26] PPA: (Link:
[22:26] *** RPG has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[22:26] PPA: (Link:
[22:27] Groudon: New to me, anyway.
[22:27] sonicandamy: lol link has stick-em genades
[22:28] PsyBorg: wegottawegottaewgotta find the VOLCANO!
[22:29] PsyBorg: OVER THERE! *BOOM!!!!!!!*
[22:29] Quelquun: Okay. Now would be a time to email that Japanese Sonic X with him saying "SHOT"
[22:29] Quelquun: *SHIT
[22:29] Quelquun: Unless you already have.
[22:29] PsyBorg: all new poops :O
[22:29] *** You are now known as PsyPotatoAids.
[22:30] *** You are now known as PsyPotatoAIDs.
[22:30] PsyPotatoAIDs: I personally liek this:
[22:30] PsyPotatoAIDs: (Link:
[22:30] PsyPotatoAIDs: *like
[22:31] Quelquun: I would laugh if this was featured on some major news network as the new Youtube trend. Despite that it's several months old.
[22:32] *** RPG has joined #sonicfuntalk.
[22:32] *** Mode change "+o RPG" for channel #sonicfuntalk by ChanServ.
[22:32] Groudon: This is semi-funny.
[22:32] Groudon: (Link:
[22:33] PsyPotatoAIDs: I prefer the PYLONS.
[22:34] *** Guest59972 has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[22:35] PsyBorg: ppa that is known to be pro. and groudon, the explosion ones suck because he uses dumb ones instead of the sonic ones
[22:36] Groudon: Compare the 2 explosions.
[22:37] *** Zephyroth has signed off IRC (Quit: leaving).
[22:37] Groudon: The Sonic explosion sound is just a louder version of the one from Hotel Mario.
[22:37] PsyBorg: one is dumb and sounds like a word mixup.
[22:37] PsyBorg: the other is loud and has actual explosion-like sound
[22:37] PsyBorg: plus, the laughing afterward is fun.
[22:38] PsyPotatoAIDs: HUHUHUHUHUH
[22:38] PsyPotatoAIDs: >_>
[22:38] Quelquun: It's like a redneck bonfire.
[22:38] sonicandamy: those r fun
[22:38] Quelquun: With more gasoline than usual.
[22:38] Groudon: s&a: You see the classic one?
[22:38] Groudon: (Link:
[22:39] PsyBorg: that's the one that started the fad at TSC
[22:39] PsyBorg: some dude, I think upthorn it was, linked me to that
[22:39] PsyBorg: and I found it fscking hilarious and told everyone.
[22:40] Quelquun: LOCK UP THE MAGIC BALLOON!
[22:40] Groudon: *BOOOOOOOOOOOOM*
[22:40] PsyBorg: *BOOOOM!!!!!!!*
[22:40] Groudon: :P
[22:40] sonicandamy: lol wth are up with these movies
[22:41] PsyPotatoAIDs: Thye're genius.
[22:41] PsyPotatoAIDs: *they
[22:41] Quelquun: Unlubricated bucket of chicken is the best insult ever.
[22:41] sonicandamy: lol
[22:41] Quelquun: lol. lol? not lol.
[22:41] Groudon: That one, (Link: (Link: and (Link: are his 4 most popular ones.
[22:41] PsyBorg: What are you, an unlubricated bucket of CHICKEN????///
[22:42] Groudon: With (Link: as the most popular.
[22:42] Groudon: (Link: is a close 2nd
[22:42] sonicandamy: lol
[22:42] Groudon: The unlubricated bucket of chicken takes 3rd.
[22:42] Groudon: (Link: is 4th.
[22:42] PsyPotatoAIDs: I like MAMA LUIGI IS A NUCLEAR WEAPON best.
[22:42] Groudon: Oh, and (Link: is 5th.
[22:43] PsyBorg: woah
[22:43] Groudon: Those 5 are over 10k views.
[22:43] PsyBorg: :(
[22:43] Quelquun: I see he took down the original titles for those.
[22:43] PsyPotatoAIDs: Yup. :(
[22:43] PsyPotatoAIDs: Oh, this one is good too: (Link:
[22:43] Groudon: :(
[22:44] Groudon: ...
[22:45] Groudon: First minute gets 0.1/5
[22:45] Quelquun: How about a kiss?
[22:45] Quelquun: WHOAHOAHOAHOAH.
[22:45] PsyPotatoAIDs: You've GOTTA be kidding.
[22:45] PsyPotatoAIDs: I also found this one: (Link:
[22:46] Groudon: lolridgeracer
[22:46] Groudon: Note the lol was at the product itself.
[22:47] PsyPotatoAIDs: It's WIZARDHEIMER!
[22:49] Groudon: Ehh...
[22:49] Groudon: adequate
[22:49] Groudon: Or... however it's spelled
[22:54] PsyBorg: you spelled correctly.
[22:54] Groudon: k
[22:55] Groudon: It didn't look right after I typed it, so I wasn't sure.
[22:56] PsyPotatoAIDs: OMG
[22:56] PsyPotatoAIDs: (Link:
[22:56] PsyPotatoAIDs: X))
[22:58] Groudon: !quote 3
[22:58] GerbilEgg: Quote: 3 --> <mike89> I CALL BS!
[22:58] PsyPotatoAIDs: :<
[22:58] PsyPotatoAIDs: But you know what they say:
[22:58] PsyPotatoAIDs: All toasters toast toast.
[22:58] Groudon: That wasn't directed to that vid.
[22:59] PsyPotatoAIDs: Oh. >_>
[22:59] Groudon: Also
[22:59] PsyBorg: it was directed to U
[22:59] Groudon: That deserves a quote 3
[22:59] Groudon: !quote 3
[22:59] GerbilEgg: Quote: 3 --> <mike89> I CALL BS!
[22:59] Groudon: No toasters toast toast.
[22:59] Groudon: At least not ones on Earth.
[23:00] PsyPotatoAIDs: ..which makes sense.
[23:00] PsyPotatoAIDs: !quote 3
[23:00] GerbilEgg: Quote: 3 --> <mike89> I CALL BS!
[23:00] PsyPotatoAIDs: on Mario.
[23:13] * PPA out
[23:13] *** sonicandamy has signed off IRC (Quit: This just isn't my day! (Ping timeout)).
[23:13] PPA: Good night everyone.
[23:13] PPA: =D
[23:13] PPA: Bye.
Session Close (Px`ntalk): Wed Apr 25 23:13:35 2007

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #272 on: April 29, 2007, 05:23:57 am »
[11:22] PPA: !search sonicandamy
[11:22] GerbilEgg: PPA: Quotes matching your search: 285 133 124 123 83 81 75 33 30 24 21
[11:22] *** sonicandamy has signed off IRC (Quit: This just isn't my day! (Ping timeout)).

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline Groudon

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Re: Official Unfunniest Chatroom Quotes
« Reply #273 on: May 04, 2007, 11:48:22 pm »
sonicandamy's stats are suspended...

and he acts like a n00bcake, moron, idiot, fag, etc.

[23:16:15] <GerbilSoft> hay groudon
[23:16:19] <Groudon> wha
[23:16:21] <GerbilSoft> should i suspend S&A's stats?
[23:16:22] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[23:16:27] <Groudon> Sounds good.
[23:16:28] <Groudon> :)
[23:16:42] <bertin> :O
[23:16:45] <sonicandamy> lets see it
[23:16:47] <bertin> zomg zomg zomg
[23:16:53] <GerbilSoft> member id 1368
[23:17:08] <Groudon> Go for it! :D
[23:17:23] <sonicandamy> 3
[23:17:26] <sonicandamy> 2
[23:17:27] <sonicandamy> 1
[23:17:28] <sonicandamy> 0
[23:17:29] <bertin> you wont do it.......
[23:17:38] <sonicandamy> hes nervous
[23:17:42] <Groudon> lolno
[23:17:46] <GerbilSoft> looking up the correct sql commands
[23:17:50] <GerbilSoft> for the record, i'm currently hosting TSC
[23:17:52] <sonicandamy> everyone is staring
[23:18:11] <sonicandamy> u already told me
[23:18:26] <bertin> he wont do it.....
[23:18:55] <Groudon> You need to give him time, u nub
[23:19:07] <sonicandamy> they have done  it before
[23:19:09] <bertin> ur a nab
[23:19:14] <Groudon> nab?
[23:19:17] <sonicandamy> yse done it like 3 times
[23:19:24] <GerbilSoft> mysql> UPDATE stats_current SET stat_status='SUSPENDED', stat_suspension=1178335101 WHERE player=1368 AND stat_status='CURRENT';
[23:19:25] <GerbilSoft> Query OK, 722 rows affected (0.42 sec)
[23:19:26] <GerbilSoft> Rows matched: 722  Changed: 722  Warnings: 0
[23:19:29] <GerbilSoft> osnap
[23:19:35] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:19:38] <bertin> ?wut the
[23:19:40] <Groudon> :o
[23:19:46] <GerbilSoft>
[23:19:47] <GerbilSoft> :D
[23:19:55] <bertin> wuts happeninin?
[23:20:00] <GerbilSoft> suspended
[23:20:02] <GerbilSoft> k
[23:20:04] <Groudon> it be true
[23:20:06] <Groudon> :D
[23:20:16] <GerbilSoft> now should i unsuspend it
[23:20:17] <sonicandamy> i call bs my stats r still up
[23:20:18] <bertin> wow...
[23:20:19] <GerbilSoft> bs
[23:20:23] <GerbilSoft> look at your profile
[23:20:34] <bertin> he actually did  it.
[23:20:34] <sonicandamy> wat about it?
[23:20:37] <GerbilSoft>
[23:20:38] <GerbilSoft> it's empty.
[23:20:40] <GerbilSoft> :)
[23:20:51] <bertin> didnt think you had it in ya
[23:20:52] <sonicandamy> ...but my records r stillup...
[23:21:00] <Groudon> They're pending a stat refresh.
[23:21:01] <GerbilSoft> those don't update until a suspension clearout
[23:21:02] <sonicandamy> so it was pointless..
[23:21:09] <Groudon> No.
[23:21:10] <GerbilSoft> which is crontab'd for once a day
[23:21:12] <bertin> no
[23:21:17] <Groudon> If it was pointless, it wouldn't matter.
[23:21:18] <Groudon> :P
[23:21:28] <Groudon> I think...
[23:21:28] <bertin> when they banned me it took em a while to clear my records
[23:21:33] * PsyBorg has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[23:21:48] <sonicandamy> no u just got banned from submiting
[23:21:53] <sonicandamy> they had to go pry away urs
[23:22:06] <GerbilSoft> hm
[23:22:09] <GerbilSoft> should i restore the stats? <_<
[23:22:10] <bertin> for no apparent reason
[23:22:18] <sonicandamy> there still there though
[23:22:26] <GerbilSoft> have you even looked at your profile you fag
[23:22:28] <GerbilSoft>
[23:22:30] <GerbilSoft> NOT there.
[23:22:33] <GerbilSoft> the other charts don't update yet.
[23:22:39] <sonicandamy> but they are!!!
[23:22:41] <GerbilSoft> .
[23:22:42] <Groudon> ...
[23:22:42] <bertin> lol... that remionds me of halo madness
[23:22:46] <Groudon> u nubcake
[23:22:48] <sonicandamy>
[23:22:48] <Groudon> Check
[23:22:49] <Groudon> Your
[23:22:51] <Groudon> Profile
[23:22:52] <Groudon> Page
[23:22:53] <Groudon> u
[23:22:55] <Groudon> nubcake
[23:23:07] <GerbilSoft> I said the rest of the charts don't update yet.
[23:23:10] <sonicandamy> im banned frommy pageds
[23:23:16] <GerbilSoft> no, you're not banned from your page
[23:23:22] <GerbilSoft> your stats are *gone* because that's the only part that's updated.
[23:23:25] <bertin> actually he is
[23:23:29] <GerbilSoft> bs
[23:23:37] <GerbilSoft> what appears when you go to
[23:23:38] <bertin> i cant view my page
[23:23:39] <GerbilSoft>
[23:23:40] <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:23:45] * RolkoPop is now known as Rolken
[23:23:47] <GerbilSoft> what message appears
[23:23:57] <bertin> says ur banned from fourms
[23:23:59] <sonicandamy> <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:23:59] <sonicandamy> *** RolkoPop is now known as Rolken
[23:24:02] <GerbilSoft> i call bs
[23:24:03] <Groudon> ...
[23:24:06] <GerbilSoft> you're going to the wrong profile
[23:24:07] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:08] <GerbilSoft> ^ THAT PROFLIE.
[23:24:09] <Groudon> No, the message at the page.
[23:24:10] <GerbilSoft> *profile
[23:24:12] <Groudon> Yeesh...
[23:24:12] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:13] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:13] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:13] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:13] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:14] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:14] <GerbilSoft>
[23:24:16] <Groudon> lol
[23:24:19] <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:24:19] <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:24:19] <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:24:19] <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:24:20] <bertin> spam!
[23:24:20] <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:24:26] <Groudon> ...
[23:24:26] <GerbilSoft> sonicandamy: is not part of the forums.
[23:24:28] <GerbilSoft> go there.
[23:24:30] <GerbilSoft> what message appears.
[23:24:36] <bertin> sonicandamy attack with spam!
[23:24:46] <bertin> gerbilsoft takes 50 damage!
[23:24:48] <sonicandamy> An Error Has Occurred!
[23:24:48] <sonicandamy> Sorry sonicandamy, you are banned from using this forum!
[23:24:48] <sonicandamy> Posting not up to standards. A topic of people complaining about you in the staff forum grew to a dozen people complaining. Email me sometime if you think you're mature enough. :/ 
[23:24:48] <Groudon> bs
[23:24:51] <GerbilSoft> bullshit
[23:24:55] <Groudon> yarly
[23:24:55] <GerbilSoft> what url are you going to?
[23:25:01] <sonicandamy> ur a url
[23:25:03] <Groudon> ...
[23:25:03] <GerbilSoft> ...
[23:25:07] <bertin> ...
[23:25:08] <GerbilSoft> what url are you going to?
[23:25:10] <sonicandamy> ...
[23:25:16] <sonicandamy> the banned one
[23:25:22] <GerbilSoft> copy and paste the url here k
[23:25:34] <Groudon> I call ban s&a from the site, forum, and #sonicfuntalk for being a complete n00bcake, moron, and fag.
[23:25:36] <sonicandamy> im banned from a couple of things
[23:25:41] <GerbilSoft> actually
[23:25:43] <Rolken> what is going on here
[23:25:43] <GerbilSoft> i have the server
[23:25:44] <bertin> mine says ur banned from fourms... your a fuck man lolloololo
[23:25:45] <GerbilSoft> i'll go check the logs
[23:25:45] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:25:48] <GerbilSoft> Rolken: S&A being a fag
[23:26:11] <sonicandamy> nu uh
[23:26:16] <sonicandamy> !quote 275
[23:26:17] <GerbilEgg> Quote: 275 --> <SJ|POWERBATTLE|FIGHTERS> has anyone had a GC game freeze on them on the wii? | <~Rolken> what game? | <SJ|POWERBATTLE|FIGHTERS> maybe its just heroes being lol | <~Rolken> could be a crap game <_< | <~Rolken> ...yup, that's a crap game | <SJ|POWERBATTLE|FIGHTERS> :/ | <+RPG> lol.
[23:26:23] <sonicandamy> ...i dont remeber it...
[23:26:25] <Groudon> ...
[23:26:28] <GerbilSoft> ..
[23:26:29] <Rolken> [21:16:25] <GerbilSoft> should i suspend S&A's stats?
[23:26:29] <Rolken> [21:16:49] <sonicandamy> lets see it
[23:26:32] <GerbilSoft> copy and paste it from your web browser you idiot
[23:26:32] <bertin> rolken has awaked from his deep dark slumber
[23:26:33] <Rolken> you dared him to suspend your stats?
[23:26:35] <GerbilSoft> ...
[23:26:37] <GerbilSoft> i call lol
[23:26:39] <Rolken> that was pretty stupid
[23:26:39] <GerbilSoft> S&A has zango installed
[23:26:52] <sonicandamy> i didnt do nuthin
[23:26:53] <GerbilSoft> - [04/May/2007:23:24:41 -0400] "GET /forum/Themes/SonicCenter/images/english/home.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; ZangoToolbar 4.8.3)"
[23:27:06] <GerbilSoft> Zango = 180solutions
[23:27:09] <GerbilSoft> lol
[23:27:18] <bertin> ok you lost me...
[23:27:23] <sonicandamy> wuts zango?
[23:27:24] <GerbilSoft> 180solutions = spyware
[23:27:26] <GerbilSoft> good job there
[23:27:29] <GerbilSoft> hey rolken
[23:27:35] <GerbilSoft> should i ban MSIE from accessing my server?
[23:27:35] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[23:27:36] <sonicandamy> swpsweeper ftw
[23:27:40] <Rolken> no >_>
[23:27:44] <GerbilSoft> sonicandamy: doesn't look like you're using it
[23:27:47] <GerbilSoft> because you have spyware installed :D
[23:27:51] * Tails has joined #sonicfuntalk
[23:27:52] * CodeGirl has joined #sonicfuntalk
[23:27:52] <GerbilSoft> Rolken: how about MSIE with known spyware installed, i.e. Zango
[23:27:54] <Groudon> s&a: Do I need to printscreen the damn page to show you?
[23:28:06] <GerbilSoft> also
[23:28:08] <sonicandamy> show me what?
[23:28:09] <GerbilSoft> should i unsuspend the stats <_<
[23:28:16] <Groudon> ...
[23:28:20] <GerbilSoft> Groudon: take a print screen now because i'm probably going to unsuspend it in a bit
[23:28:24] <Groudon> The page GS linked you to 50 thousand times.
[23:28:26] <Groudon> GS: I am.
[23:28:49] <GerbilSoft> unsuspended
[23:28:49] <sonicandamy> how did u get rolken to talk so fast?
[23:28:51] <CodeGirl> Have you tried refreshing with Ctrl+F5 instead of F5?
[23:29:08] <Groudon> Uploading.
[23:29:10] <bertin> you got to understand s&a acts like this.
[23:29:16] <Rolken> rolken ignores highlights in this channel
[23:29:27] <GerbilSoft> bertin: smack him with a cluestick k
[23:29:34] <sonicandamy> <sonicandamy> how did u get rolken to talk so fast?
[23:29:35] <sonicandamy> <CodeGirl> Have you tried refreshing with Ctrl F5 instead of F5?
[23:29:36] <sonicandamy> no but i will
[23:29:39] <Groudon> ...
[23:29:41] <GerbilSoft> Tails: i unsuspended his stats now
[23:29:42] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[23:30:02] <Groudon> If imageshack hurries up, I can upload the image.
[23:30:14] <sonicandamy> bertin: ...
[23:30:24] <sonicandamy> u dissapoint me...
[23:30:45] <sonicandamy> but that is wat video games r for
[23:31:02] * GerbilSoft has detected a Win32 Fatal Exception Error. Please restart your computer. If you are running Windows Vista, please reformat your hard drive. Mac and Linux users, please ignore this message. *
[23:31:03] <bertin> hey im not trying to get bann3d more.
[23:31:17] <sonicandamy> ur full banned k thx
[23:31:27] <GerbilSoft> in soviet russia, gerbilsoft bans YOU
[23:31:33] <GerbilSoft> welcome to soviet russia :D
[23:31:38] <sonicandamy> ya
[23:31:42] <sonicandamy> wat he said
[23:31:44] <Groudon> Uploading now
[23:31:49] <GerbilSoft> i was talking to you, S&A
[23:31:50] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[23:31:53] <bertin> lol
[23:31:53] <sonicandamy> i hate soviets
[23:31:57] <GerbilSoft> !mid sonicandamy
[23:31:58] <CodeGirl> Member ID of sonicandamy is 1368.
[23:32:02] <GerbilSoft> ha, codegirl works here too
[23:32:05] <GerbilSoft> ~suspend 0 sonicandamy
[23:32:15] <GerbilSoft> with a ! that'd suspend the stats :D
[23:32:19] <GerbilSoft> again
[23:32:20] <CodeGirl> Only certain commands work.
[23:32:23] <GerbilSoft> o rly
[23:32:25] <GerbilSoft> !class
[23:32:29] <GerbilSoft> !class 3606 r2
[23:32:30] <CodeGirl> Class 3606 is Sonic and the Secret Rings / Overall / Overall (Overall). GerbilSoft is in 132nd place out of 17 on this chart with 611p (72.6%).
[23:32:32] <GerbilSoft> :)
[23:32:40] <CodeGirl> !suspend doesn't work because it could be privilege-escalated in another channel.
[23:32:43] <GerbilSoft> k
[23:32:49] <Groudon> Here's the link.
[23:32:50] <Groudon>
[23:32:59] <Groudon> s&a: This is what GS was trying to get you to see 50 thousand times.
[23:33:00] <GerbilSoft> lol n00bcake
[23:33:07] <Groudon> Yeah.
[23:33:11] <Groudon> nubcake is too weak.
[23:33:24] <sonicandamy> wat is it?
[23:33:27] <Groudon> ...
[23:33:30] <GerbilSoft> gee i wonder
[23:33:31] <bertin> hmm you use mozilla
[23:33:36] <Groudon> Got a problem?
[23:33:36] <sonicandamy> i never went to that before...
[23:33:37] <GerbilSoft> it's your blank profile when i suspended your stats
[23:33:39] <GerbilSoft> >_>
[23:33:43] <GerbilSoft> also that's the chaos angel skin
[23:33:44] <bertin> nope
[23:33:50] <Groudon> So?
[23:33:53] <GerbilSoft> ..
[23:33:53] <GerbilSoft> actually you *did* view your proflie
[23:33:53] <GerbilSoft> *profile
[23:34:09] <bertin> seriously i cant view my profile
[23:34:10] <GerbilSoft> - [04/May/2007:23:20:00 -0400] "GET /members/sonicandamy HTTP/1.1" 200 1662 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; ZangoToolbar 4.8.3)"
[23:34:11] <sonicandamy> o wii-ly?
[23:34:13] <GerbilSoft> so i'm going to have to call bs
[23:34:36] <GerbilSoft> unless rolken broke something that makes it impossible to view your profile when banned from forums
[23:34:45] <GerbilSoft> also lol you have spyware
[23:34:58] <sonicandamy> rolken is magic
[23:35:10] <sonicandamy> i know that!
[23:35:14] <GerbilSoft> using a spyware-infested IE is a true sign that you're a n00bcake
[23:35:49] <bertin> he can just scan
[23:35:49] <sonicandamy> i got a frigen regresty in my process tab thats doesnt even have a user name!
[23:36:01] <GerbilSoft> what the fuck is "regresty"
[23:36:05] <GerbilSoft> bertin: doesn't help.
[23:36:07] <GerbilSoft> spyware scanners are shit.
[23:36:14] <GerbilSoft> there's only one real solution to get rid of spyware:
[23:36:15] <GerbilSoft> - install linux
[23:36:16] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[23:36:29] <sonicandamy> registry*
[23:36:35] <GerbilSoft> bullshit
[23:36:42] <GerbilSoft> registry entries don't show up in task manager
[23:36:46] <Groudon> Good thing I'm logging all this.
[23:36:53] <Groudon> I'm gonna post it in the topic.
[23:36:55] <sonicandamy> ya huh
[23:36:58] <sonicandamy> in processes
[23:37:11] <GerbilSoft> what exactly does it say?
[23:37:19] <GerbilSoft> also
[23:37:23] <GerbilSoft> is "System Idle Process" consuming all your CPU?
[23:37:28] <sonicandamy> i ended the process its gone
[23:37:39] <sonicandamy> no
[23:37:46] <GerbilSoft> all as in 95% or higher?
[23:38:04] <sonicandamy> no it idles at 4%
[23:38:07] <GerbilSoft> no no no
[23:38:13] <GerbilSoft> what's it say for CPU Usage for "System Idle Process"
[23:38:56] <sonicandamy> between 92-97
[23:38:58] <GerbilSoft> ..
[23:38:59] <GerbilSoft> oh no
[23:39:02] <GerbilSoft> turn your computer off
[23:39:02] <GerbilSoft> NOW
[23:39:04] <GerbilSoft> AND RUN AWAY
[23:39:04] <GerbilSoft> NOW
[23:39:08] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:39:13] <GerbilSoft> I'm serious
[23:39:15] <sonicandamy> it'll be aight
[23:39:16] <GerbilSoft> TURN IT OFF
[23:39:32] <sonicandamy> look it just went to 78 for a spilt secound
[23:39:34] <Groudon> QUICK!
[23:39:39] <Groudon> TURN IT OFF
[23:39:42] <sonicandamy> now its a 94
[23:39:44] <bertin> why?
[23:39:45] <GerbilSoft> :O
[23:39:49] <GerbilSoft> TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF NOW
[23:39:51] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:39:54] <GerbilSoft> IT'LL BLOW UP ANY MINUTE NOW
[23:39:56] <GerbilSoft> :O
[23:40:06] <Groudon> Because it's infected with something from Sony.
[23:40:10] <sonicandamy> sum 1 is trying to steal my rs account
[23:40:17] <sonicandamy> but my puter is sony
[23:40:19] <bertin> overlydramatic
[23:40:21] <Groudon> That explains it.
[23:40:21] <GerbilSoft> :O
[23:40:24] <GerbilSoft> SONY WITH HIGH CPU USAGE
[23:40:27] <GerbilSoft> TURN IT OFF>
[23:40:27] <GerbilSoft> NOW
[23:40:28] <GerbilSoft> OI@#$OP$J@PO$
[23:40:37] <sonicandamy> S.O.S
[23:40:43] <GerbilSoft> JUST HIT THE POWER SWITCH
[23:40:46] <GerbilSoft> ##
[23:40:51] <bertin> his comp is fine
[23:40:53] <sonicandamy> it'll go into sleep mode...
[23:41:00] <GerbilSoft> PULL THE CORD THEN
[23:41:00] <GerbilSoft> :#O$@PO!@
[23:41:03] <Groudon> POWER DOWN NAO
[23:41:10] <sonicandamy> nah the 8 button is fucked
[23:41:19] <Groudon> ...
[23:41:20] <sonicandamy> to much skeet for the poor button
[23:41:25] <GerbilSoft> ...
[23:41:25] <Groudon> POWER
[23:41:27] <Groudon> DOWN
[23:41:28] <GerbilSoft> PULL THE FUCKING POWER CORD
[23:41:28] <Groudon> NAO
[23:41:28] <GerbilSoft> NOW
[23:41:34] <sonicandamy> it wont help
[23:41:38] <GerbilSoft> .
[23:41:38] <Groudon> NAO!!!!!!!!
[23:41:39] <sonicandamy> its a laptop
[23:41:40] <bertin> why do you want him to cut it off
[23:41:46] <Groudon> NAO
[23:41:46] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:41:47] <GerbilSoft> SONY BATTERY
[23:41:48] <GerbilSoft> )(@$*@!)$*!@#
[23:41:55] <sonicandamy> FUCKING PENIS!
[23:41:55] <sonicandamy> FUCKING PENIS!
[23:41:55] <sonicandamy> FUCKING PENIS!
[23:41:56] <sonicandamy> FUCKING PENIS!
[23:41:57] <Groudon> ...
[23:42:03] <GerbilSoft> "too late
[23:42:07] <bertin> -.-
[23:42:08] <GerbilSoft> looks like the battery exploded on his penis
[23:42:09] <GerbilSoft> :(
[23:42:11] <Groudon> lol
[23:42:13] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:42:14] <bertin> lol
[23:42:17] <Groudon> ...
[23:42:21] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:42:23] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:42:29] <Groudon> I call kixb&.nao
[23:42:30] <RingRush> ....I go away to take a shower and come back to FUCKING PENIS!
[23:42:38] <sonicandamy> yes
[23:42:41] <Quartz> He did it.
[23:42:44] <GerbilSoft> RingRush: you might be gay
[23:42:44] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[23:42:50] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:43:00] <bertin> lol take the gay test
[23:43:04] <GerbilSoft> !player sonicandamy
[23:43:05] <CodeGirl> sonicandamy is in 0850th place on the overall rankings with 37 points, and has 652 submissions in 6 games: SA(DX), SA2(B), Rush, Rivals, Sonic06, and SSR
[23:43:06] <Groudon> Can we plz get a kixb& for s&a nao kthx
[23:43:07] <GerbilSoft> !player RingRush
[23:43:18] <sonicandamy> woot
[23:43:24] <GerbilSoft> !player GerbilSoft
[23:43:25] <CodeGirl> GerbilSoft is in 0825th place on the overall rankings with 96.5 points, and has 1429 submissions in 11 games: SA(DX), SA2(B), S1, S2, S3, S&K, S3DB, SCD, SH, KC, and SSR
[23:43:27] <GerbilSoft> :)
[23:43:29] <sonicandamy> i use to be 43 wtf
[23:43:31] <RingRush> GerbilSoft: You might be FU
[23:43:35] <bertin> oooo
[23:43:41] <GerbilSoft> :D
[23:43:43] <GerbilSoft> !player RingRush
[23:43:44] <CodeGirl> That member doesn't exist.
[23:43:46] <GerbilSoft> .
[23:43:47] <bertin> gerbil owns you
[23:43:55] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:43:59] <Groudon> !player Groudon199
[23:43:59] <GerbilSoft> !player Ring Rush
[23:44:00] <CodeGirl> Ring Rush is in 0357th place on the overall rankings with 27 points, and has 335 submissions in 10 games: SAdva2, SA(DX), SA2(B), S1, S3DB, SH, KC, S1GG, Shadow, and SSR
[23:44:02] <Groudon> ...
[23:44:03] <Groudon> fu
[23:44:03] -CodeGirl- Throttled...
[23:44:05] <GerbilSoft> lol
[23:44:05] <sonicandamy> !player bertin
[23:44:07] <GerbilSoft> S&A's beating RR
[23:44:11] <Groudon> fu its not throttled
[23:44:11] <RingRush> <-- Says otherwise <_<
[23:44:15] <Groudon> [23:43:59] <Groudon> !player Groudon199
[23:44:15] <Groudon> [23:43:59] <GerbilSoft> !player Ring Rush
[23:44:19] <Groudon> [23:44:03] -CodeGirl- Throttled...
[23:44:22] <Groudon> bs
[23:44:26] <Groudon> !player Groudon199
[23:44:26] <CodeGirl> Groudon199 is in 0822nd place on the overall rankings with 98.9 points, and has 1282 submissions in 22 games: SA(DX), SA2(B), S1, S2, S3, S&K, SCD, SH, SR, KC, S1GG, S2GG, SC, STT, SD, SD2, SPA, SAdva3, Rush, Shadow, Riders, and StF
[23:44:29] <Groudon> There.
[23:44:30] <Groudon> :P
[23:44:33] <GerbilSoft> :O
[23:44:36] <GerbilSoft> 2.3 points away from beating you
[23:44:42] <Groudon> u nub
[23:44:44] <GerbilSoft> !player bertin
[23:44:45] <CodeGirl> bertin is in 02411th place on the overall rankings with 0 points, and has 0 submissions in 0 games:
[23:44:45] <Groudon> points no matter
[23:44:49] <sonicandamy> lol
[23:44:49] <Groudon> Also...
[23:44:50] <sonicandamy> nice
[23:44:52] <GerbilSoft> fail
[23:44:57] <Groudon> wtf @ loss of points
[23:45:00] <Groudon> GS: say nothing.
[23:45:04] <GerbilSoft> Groudon: nothing.
[23:45:05] <GerbilSoft> also
[23:45:07] <GerbilSoft> the points don't matter
[23:45:07] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[23:45:09] <Groudon> ...
[23:45:12] <Groudon> I will now post the log in the topic.

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #274 on: May 05, 2007, 08:21:01 pm »
I vote logs get posted like this from now on so that you don't have to read them if you don't want. Quotes of 15 lines or longer should now be posted in this manner.

This one's a lot longer.

<3 Thorn.

Offline Ring Rush

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #275 on: May 06, 2007, 06:41:25 pm »
Time for the Groudon fails at math segment!
(random pokemon talk edited out)

<SAplayer> How come #sonicfuntalk is about Sonic Adventure right now, and #soniccenter is about Pokémon? :P
<Groudon> At least #soniccenter IQ is back to normal.
<Groudon> Last night, #sonicfuntalk IQ was much higher than #soniccenter IQ.
<Quartz> Indeed
<PsyBorg> why is that so?
<RPG> r u my bf
<Groudon> The IQ of this channel dropped down to sonicandamy x2.
<Groudon> Last night, that is.
<Quartz> Groudon...
<Quartz> is S&A's IQ negative?
<Groudon> Yes.
<RPG> Pretty safe assumption
<Quartz> Okay, then it makes sense
<RingRush> I don't think his IQ is real
<RingRush> I'd say around -35i
<Achlys> It's imaginary.
<Groudon> So this channel's IQ last night was -70i^2 if we go by that.
<RingRush> Groudon you are an idiot
<RingRush> -70i^2 = -70(-1) = 70
<RingRush> Fail
<Groudon> Whatever.
<Groudon> It's -70ii then.
<Groudon> Err...
<RingRush> That is still 70 <_<
Current Championships: SSR (5/26/08-Now)
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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #276 on: May 14, 2007, 02:54:02 pm »
*** Stray ( has joined #soniccenter
 <MK> :OO
*** Zephyr ( has joined #soniccenter
*** Mode change [+o Zephyr] on #soniccenter by ChanBot
 <MK> Awesome
 <Alondite> :O
 [RPG] Stray: :O
 <Violet> :O
 <MK> X)
 [RPG] X)
 <MK> Also :O.
 * RPG hi fives MK
 <Stray> I'll give you my new FC in a moment!
 <Zephyr> guys, really--I'm not THAT special >________>
Did you not think I had a mind?

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #277 on: June 03, 2007, 12:57:38 am »
It's not monstrously long. >_>

<Stefan> i'm surprised rpg didn't rearrange the letters in spine and do !penis
<JBertolli> :o
<ShadowJakku> :p
<JBertolli> thats not a good face after the word pemis

I'd say the same about JB. >_>
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline JBertolli

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #278 on: June 03, 2007, 04:25:46 pm »
I meant both faces <_<


Offline Rick_242

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #279 on: June 05, 2007, 11:31:21 pm »
Stefan and SS101 were talking about Green Forest calling it as "gf" which I thought was something else. I tune in to hear this:

*** Rick [] has joined #soniccenter
<SuperSonic101> and stefan
<SuperSonic101> for that gf
<SuperSonic101> i am (slightly) proud
<Stefan> considering it's me right
<Stefan> lower your expectations
<SuperSonic101> with lowered expectations, awesome work
<Stefan> x)
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

Offline Spinballwizard

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #280 on: June 06, 2007, 05:23:53 pm »
Taken out of context, that's pretty lol.
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #281 on: June 16, 2007, 04:38:12 pm »
[22:36] Rolken:
[22:36] Rolken: AND PPA
[22:36] PPA: YES=
[22:36] PPA: OH
[22:36] PPA: YES
[22:36] PPA: ...
[22:36] PPA: NO
[22:36] Joshu: Oh right!
[22:36] PPA: I'M NOT A NOOB

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #282 on: June 19, 2007, 09:27:55 pm »
This one's kind of a long story, but there's humor throughout. That's #TUSC for ya.

<Kitsune> <Redzonic5400> does SRB2 support Vista? <Kitsune_> ...You use Vista? <ShadowHog> eww
<GerbilSoft> ..
<GerbilSoft> where is that
<GerbilSoft> what channel
<GerbilSoft> and server
<Kitsune> lol
<Kitsune> oh
<Winsig> Where was that?
<Kitsune> #srb2fun,
<Winsig> oic
<Thorn> #sr... yeah.

<GerbilSoft> is he still there? i don't see him in the nick list
<Kitsune> redzonic left
<Thorn> you were seriously gonna enter that channel to trash that guy, huh?
<GerbilSoft> not specifically
<GerbilSoft> i wasn't going to instantly flame him when i entered
<GerbilSoft> :P
* GerbilSoft was kicked by Thorn (Just shut the hell up about Windows for five minutes, k?)
* GerbilSoft has joined #TUSC
<Thorn> I love autojoin
<GerbilSoft> so #srb2fun is #TUSC now
<Thorn> I can be funny as I kick with no consequences.
<GerbilSoft> also lol
<GerbilSoft> i was joined to
<GerbilSoft> the motd is an ascii art windows logo
<Winsig> You're like
<Winsig> omg shoddy grphix
<Winsig> lolwindows
<Kitsune> [21:07:03 PM] <GerbilSoft> i was joined to <--- olololololololol.
<Thorn> ZOMG
<Thorn> He said windows
<Winsig> ok everyone stfu @ windows
<Thorn>, everyone stfu @ windows. Just, wow.
<Winsig> we need to have a chat where Gerbil can rant about windows.
<Thorn> ...k, that's just as bad...
<Winsig> It's still windows
<GerbilSoft> steve ballmer'd
<Winsig> Steve Ballmer --> Microsoft --> Windows
<GerbilSoft> noshit
<Thorn> Okay, gotta nip this windows talk in the bud
* Thorn sets mode: +b *!
-GerbilSoft- fu :(
* Thorn sets mode: +b *!
<Winsig> yay
-GerbilSoft- unban plz :(
<Thorn> this is funny.
<Thorn> so, isn't that Linux grat?
<Thorn> great, even?
<Winsig> >_>
-GerbilSoft- unban plz :(
<Thorn> Gerbil, how do you feel about Linux?
* PsyBorg has joined #TUSC
<Kitsune> *muffled by ban*
* GerbilSoft was kicked by Thorn (Please, tell.)
* GerbilEgg was kicked by Thorn (You too.)
<PsyBorg> GS is banned? Cool, I'll come here. >.>
<Thorn> I'll let him back in five, don't get your hopes up.

* Thorn sets mode: -b *!
* Thorn sets mode: -b *!
* GerbilSoft has joined #TUSC
<Winsig> Damn
<Thorn> Speaking of dumbass
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<Thorn> <Winsig> LINUX IS TEH SUXXAGE     <Kitsune> YA RLY
<GerbilSoft> bs
<GerbilSoft> yeah those are dumbasses
<Thorn> I swear they said it *shot*
<GerbilSoft> >_>
<Thorn> also Gerbil you just failed the test
<Thorn> you dissed their judgement of not Windows
<Thorn> therefore
* Thorn sets mode: +b *!
<GerbilSoft> notice the >_>
<GerbilSoft> also fail at ban
* Thorn sets mode: +b *!
<Winsig> b&
<Winsig> nt
<Thorn> I'm sorry, what?
<Thorn> I cannot believe you failed such a simple test.
<PsyBorg> FINISH HIM! >.>
* GerbilSoft has left #TUSC
<PsyBorg> Thorn wins!

<RPGnutter> Well I think your reasoning was dumb, so you get sassed
<RPGnutter> Thats how it works

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #283 on: June 24, 2007, 07:28:13 am »
:( :( :(

[11:17] PPA: Hello.
[11:18] * PPA waits for around 1 1/2 hours to pass.
[11:18] PPA: The SEGA Saturn will be mine! >:O
[11:18] * PPA twitch
[11:23] *** [1]eredani has joined #soniccenter.
[11:23] *** Mode change "+v [1]eredani" for channel #soniccenter by ChanBot.
[11:26] *** eredani has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[11:26] *** [1]eredani is now known as eredani.
[11:34] *** eredani has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
[11:37] PPA: ***One hour, four minutes left.
[11:37] * PPA stare at the Saturn
[12:04] *** Joshu has joined #soniccenter.
[12:04] * PPA click refresh button once in a while
[12:04] PPA: 37 minutes left. O_O
[12:04] * PPA nervous
[12:05] GerbilEgg: *** lolsony: [Slashdot-Games] Sony Plans 380 Games for Fiscal Year '08 -
[12:05] GerbilEgg: *** lolsony: [Slashdot-Games] Father of Sony Playstation Steps Down -
[12:05] PPA: lol
[12:06] PPA: ...the second one is old...?
[12:32] PPA: OSHIT
[12:32] *** Douglas has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
[12:32] PPA: OSHIT'd
[12:38] PPA: I'll bid at 2:30
[12:38] * PPA rapidetely clicks the F5 key
[12:38] PPA: 3:10
[12:38] PPA: 2:50!
[12:38] PPA: 2:42!
[12:39] * PPA wait
[12:40] PPA: BID
[12:40] PPA: 51,01 EURO!
[12:40] PPA: ONE MINUTE!
[12:40] PPA: 56 EURO!
[12:41] PPA: shit.
[12:42] PPA: The other one won with 68 Euro.  ;-;
[12:42] *** eredani has joined #soniccenter.
[12:42] *** Mode change "+v eredani" for channel #soniccenter by ChanBot.
[12:44] PPA: hi
[12:44] PPA: ;-;
[12:45] * PPA lost the bid
[12:45] PPA: But I WILL get a SEGA saturn.
[12:45] PPA: For Segata Sanshiro's sake! >:O

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline Rick_242

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #284 on: June 24, 2007, 02:33:31 pm »
* Thorn puts Lightning Shield back on to fix wires behind computer
* Rick_242 puts Fire Shield on to eat Hot Cheetos
<Thorn> hey gtfo of my sig
<Rick_242> :B
<Thorn> are those your asscheeks? now you're gonna get it
<Spinballwizard> O_o
* Spinballwizard walks away slowly...
* Thorn opens Grow monitor out of sig, picks Rick up, and boots him out of the room
<Thorn> Yeah, spinny, that's an idea
<Thorn> ...I could've just kicked Rick, but he was in my sig already, I was right there, y'know?
<Spinballwizard> <_<
<Thorn> ...god, I'm in a weird mood tonight.
<Rick_242> My asscheck don't have dots above them nor is one of them bigger than the other.
<Thorn> must be your font
* Spinballwizard leave...
<Thorn> and I assumed those were moles
*** Spinballwizard is now known as SBW_Away
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 06:08:35 pm by Rick_242 »
<Sondow> also what
<Sondow> since when was S&K an expansion pack to s3
<Sondow> wiki LIES

Offline JBertolli

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #285 on: June 25, 2007, 12:55:08 am »
:( :( :(

[11:17] PPA: Hello.
[12:45] PPA: For Segata Sanshiro's sake! >:O

Yes, that is so annoying when someone waits till the last second to bid on an item >_> Happens to me all the time. That's why I'm a buy it now kind of person...

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #286 on: June 25, 2007, 06:31:33 am »

Yes, that is so annoying when someone waits till the last second to bid on an item >_> Happens to me all the time. That's why I'm a buy it now kind of person...
Yeah, same. But Buy It Now if often by power sellers, who just buy their stuff from other people. My Dreamcast is in a horrible condition and the first Saturn I bought was completely broken. It's better if you get the things from the people who owned it in the first place, although that often means you have to go through bidding hell. >_>;

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #287 on: July 02, 2007, 04:05:03 pm »

Unfortunately I failed at kicking him with "no u" as kick message.

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #288 on: August 29, 2007, 12:03:05 am »
[20:54:28] <Sondow> also Tails, does CG still have her lameness script >_>
[20:54:35] <Tails> yes
[20:54:47] <GerbilSoft> <_<
[20:54:51] <The_T> >_>
[20:54:57] * CodeGirl sets mode: +b *!
[20:54:57] * XeroEXE was kicked by CodeGirl (Lameness filter has been triggered.  Cool down for about 2 minutes.)
[20:54:59] <GerbilSoft> FAIL
[20:56:45] <GerbilSoft> !down
[20:56:45] * ChanBot sets mode: -vo GerbilSoft GerbilSoft
[20:56:47] <XeroEXE> >.>
[20:56:48] <GerbilSoft> !voice me
[20:56:50] <GerbilSoft> !voice
[20:56:50] * ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft
[20:56:55] * CodeGirl sets mode: +b *!
[20:56:55] * GerbilSoft was kicked by CodeGirl (Lameness filter has been triggered.  Cool down for about 2 minutes.)
[20:56:57] <The_T> ...
[20:56:58] <Sondow> lol
[20:56:58] <XeroEXE> ...
[20:57:01] <The_T> I /AM/ MAGIC
[20:57:03] <yse> lolpwned
[20:57:07] <XeroEXE> Do it again then T
[20:57:09] <GerbilEgg> weird
[20:57:10] <The_T> ...
[20:57:11] <The_T> no thanks.
[20:57:11] <XeroEXE> Fill it up with H's
[20:57:12] <Sondow> EX-FUCKING-DEE
[20:57:13] * GerbilEgg sets mode: -b *!
[20:57:14] <XeroEXE> I dare you
[20:57:17] <XeroEXE> You say you're magic
[20:57:17] * GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter
[20:57:17] * CodeGirl sets mode: +v GerbilSoft
[20:57:17] * ChanBot sets mode: +o GerbilSoft
[20:57:19] <XeroEXE> But I say you're not
[20:57:44] <GerbilSoft> !down
[20:57:45] * ChanBot sets mode: -vo GerbilSoft GerbilSoft
[20:57:51] * CodeGirl sets mode: +b *!
[20:57:52] * GerbilSoft was kicked by CodeGirl (Lameness filter has been triggered.  Cool down for about 2 minutes.)
[20:57:53] <GerbilEgg> wtf
[20:57:55] <XeroEXE> XD
[20:57:58] <GerbilEgg> that was the exact same line The_T did

The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #289 on: August 29, 2007, 06:05:20 am »
11:23] *** Mode change "+v PPA" for channel #soniccenter by CodeGirl.
[11:23] *** #soniccenter was created on Tue Jul 31 20:00:14 2007.
[11:23] PPA: Hello.
[11:24] *** Mode change "+b *!" for channel #soniccenter by CodeGirl.
[11:24] *** SkyL has been kicked from #soniccenter by CodeGirl: Lameness filter has been triggered.  Cool down for a minute.

[11:28] *** SkyL has joined #soniccenter.
[11:28] *** Mode change "+v SkyL" for channel #soniccenter by CodeGirl.
[11:28] PPA: Hello SkyL. >_>;;;
[11:28] *** Mode change "+b *!" for channel #soniccenter by CodeGirl.
[11:28] *** SkyL has been kicked from #soniccenter by CodeGirl: Lameness filter has been triggered.  Cool down for a minute.

[11:31] *** SkyL has joined #soniccenter.
[11:32] *** Mode change "+v SkyL" for channel #soniccenter by CodeGirl.
[11:32] SkyL: hmmmmmmm
[11:32] PPA: Hello again. 8D
[11:32] *** Mode change "+b *!" for channel #soniccenter by CodeGirl.
[11:32] *** SkyL has been kicked from #soniccenter by CodeGirl: Lameness filter has been triggered.  Cool down for a minute.
[11:33] *** Mode change "+b *!*" for channel #soniccenter by Tails.
[11:33] Tails: ProTip: that ban doesn't auto-expire

[11:45] *** Mode change "-b *!*" for channel #soniccenter by Tails.

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #290 on: August 30, 2007, 10:14:00 pm »
[2007-08-30 22:11:41] <Zeph> ps codegirl is deopped
[2007-08-30 22:11:44] <Achlys> >:OOOOO
[2007-08-30 22:11:47] <ShadowJacky> :D
[2007-08-30 22:11:49] <Spinballwizard> Zeph: Thanks for noticing.
[2007-08-30 22:11:53] =-= Mode #soniccenter +o CodeGirl by ChanBot
[2007-08-30 22:11:54] * ShadowJacky clears throat
[2007-08-30 22:11:55] <Spinballwizard> Rolk got tired of the lameness filter.
[2007-08-30 22:11:56] <ShadowJacky> NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
[2007-08-30 22:11:57] =-= Mode #soniccenter +b *! by CodeGirl
[2007-08-30 22:11:57] =-= ShadowJacky was booted from #soniccenter by CodeGirl (Lameness filter has been triggered.  Cool down for a minute.)
[2007-08-30 22:12:02] <Tails> pwnt
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Buizel

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #291 on: September 06, 2007, 12:36:03 am »
So basically, D1AOS was overusing the phrase "GREAT SCOTT!!!" and it was getting on everyone's nerves...oh, and Alondite was drunk so we were telling him to get sober. >_>

[00:16:53] <Da1AndOnlySonic> GREAT SCOTT!!!
[00:16:55] <Alondite> ok
[00:16:57] <Alondite> will do
[00:16:57] <oh> you can stop that now
[00:16:58] <mike89> ...
[00:17:01] <XeroEXE> ...
[00:17:04] <ko> too much
[00:17:04] <Alondite> but it may take me a long time to write stuff
[00:17:04] <XeroEXE> Oi.
[00:17:06] <ko> TOO MUCH
[00:17:22] <Alondite> because i see like 3 of every key, and cannot control where my hand goes
[00:17:25] <mike89> /kick Da1AndO-- damnit your nick is too long!
[00:17:32] <oh> oh, allow me then
[00:17:33] <Alondite> lol
[00:17:37] <mike89> make it shorter so i can kick you >:O
[00:17:38] <ko> well mike
[00:17:40] <Da1AndOnlySonic> NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:17:44] <ko> you could start writing his name and press tab
[00:17:45] *** oh has kicked Da1AndOnlySonic from #soniccenter [damnit your nick is too long!]
[00:17:46] <ko> :P
[00:17:52] <Alondite> too bad RPG is not in here
[00:17:55] *** mike89 has kicked ko from #soniccenter [well this one is easy enough]
[00:17:58] *** ko ( has joined #soniccenter
[00:17:59] <ko> lol
[00:18:02] <oh> lol :(
[00:18:12] <Alondite> he would appreciate my drunkeness
[00:18:27] *** Da1AndOnlySonic (chatzilla@6FF29EBF.BB241229.45D8A1BE.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[00:18:35] <Da1AndOnlySonic> Owww!!! Why do you kick so hard
[00:18:43] <Alondite> lol Da1
[00:18:45] <mike89> oh SL is right
[00:18:48] <mike89> well i'll be damned
[00:18:52] <ko> 8)
[00:18:55] <Alondite> you can't really feel it, it was a IRC kick
[00:19:01] <Alondite> stop being so lol
[00:19:14] <Da1AndOnlySonic> -_-Fine, let me turn it off.
[00:19:14] <oh> I kick hard to make sure my kick is heard!
[00:19:19] <Alondite> SL what I have not seen him around
[00:19:25] <ko> ..
[00:19:25] <ko> lol
[00:19:40] *** Da1AndOnlySonic is now known as Da1AndOnlySuperSonic
[00:19:47] <Da1AndOnlySuperSonic> Let's see you kick me now!!!
[00:19:53] *** mike89 has kicked Da1AndOnlySuperSonic from #soniccenter [ ok]
[00:19:55] *** Da1AndOnlySuperSonic (chatzilla@6FF29EBF.BB241229.45D8A1BE.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[00:19:57] <ko> lol
[00:20:02] <mike89> :O autojoin
[00:20:07] *** oh has kicked Da1AndOnlySuperSonic from #soniccenter [*takes your chaos emeralds*]
[00:20:09] *** Da1AndOnlySonic (chatzilla@6FF29EBF.BB241229.45D8A1BE.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[00:20:16] <mike89> lolwhat
[00:20:18] <Da1AndOnlySonic> Damn, I need those. :(
[00:20:31] <mike89> Zeph how did you do that
[00:20:41] <oh>, do what
[00:20:50] <mike89> look what name he left with
[00:20:56] <mike89> then look what name he joined with
[00:21:14] <mike89> in the context of your kick message that is <censored> lol  (stupid G-rated being active while this was going on... >:()
[00:21:25] * oh cool
[00:21:38] <oh> also that is SO topic'd

Yeah, I'm that awesome.
Hay guiz, I made a table showing how many points each game tracked by TSC is worth. You should go see it.
Also v2.0 of my TSC calculator is available to use. You should totally use it.
I update these every Monday around 2:30pm GMT.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #292 on: September 08, 2007, 06:55:58 am »
[12:53] PPA: !seen Rick
[12:53] *** -ChanBot- The nick Rick is not registered.
[12:53] GerbilEgg: PPA: The person with the nick Rick last spoke 5h 23m ago. 4h 33m ago quit IRC on the channel #TUSC with the message: Quit: slp
[12:53] PPA: !seen Rick_242
[12:53] *** -ChanBot- Rick_242 was last seen 4 hours, 33 minutes ago (8/Sep/07 06:20 GMT).
[12:53] GerbilEgg: PPA: Rick_242 was here 8d 11h ago and last spoke 4d 8h ago. 4d 7h ago, using the nick NeoDaedalus, byla na kanale #TUSC, z ktorego wtedy wyszedlem.


My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline Alondite

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #293 on: September 08, 2007, 10:57:45 pm »
I wonder if I logged my drunken TSC visit >_>

Offline Spinballwizard

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #294 on: September 08, 2007, 11:13:03 pm »
[00:20:07] *** oh has kicked Da1AndOnlySuperSonic from #soniccenter [*takes your chaos emeralds*]
[00:20:09] *** Da1AndOnlySonic (chatzilla@6FF29EBF.BB241229.45D8A1BE.IP) has joined #soniccenter
[00:20:16] <mike89> lolwhat
[00:20:18] <Da1AndOnlySonic> Damn, I need those. :(
[00:20:31] <mike89> Zeph how did you do that
[00:20:41] <oh>, do what
[00:20:50] <mike89> look what name he left with
[00:20:56] <mike89> then look what name he joined with
[00:21:14] <mike89> in the context of your kick message that is <censored> lol  (stupid G-rated being active while this was going on... >:()

Yeah that's kinda lol.

Also Alondite I log every day so if you don't I probably do if I was there. <_<
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key

Offline Alondite

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #295 on: September 08, 2007, 11:18:02 pm »
I either don't have it, or just can't find it. Check your wednesday logs and see if you have it spinny. It would be fairly late wednesday too.

Offline P.P.A.

Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #296 on: September 09, 2007, 04:45:33 am »
[10:40] yse: Upth way to summarise GameFAQs
[10:40] CherryMay: lol.
[10:40] SkyL: lol.
[10:40] D1AOS|SH: lol
[10:40] PPA: lol.
[10:40] Upth: lol
[10:40] SkyL: ok too much lol
[10:40] SkyL: :(
[10:40] CherryMay: :(
[10:40] PPA: :(
[10:41] D1AOS|SH: :(
[10:41] Upth: SkyL b&
[10:41] Upth: :(
[10:41] SkyL: ok too much :(
[10:41] PPA: >_>
[10:41] Upth: SkyL doubleb&
[10:41] Upth: >_>
[10:41] D1AOS|SH: >_>
[10:41] SkyL: >_>
[10:41] yse: ok too much nothing
[10:41] PPA: 
[10:41] Upth: 
[10:41] SkyL:
[10:41] yse: ...
[10:41] PPA: ...
[10:42] SkyL: ...
[10:42] D1AOS|SH: I'm not a furry, I'm hairy...
[10:42] Upth: ... ... ...
[10:42] SkyL: ............
[10:42] SkyL: what kind of statement is that
[10:42] SkyL: lol
[10:42] yse: you know what's needed here
[10:42] Upth: ... ... ...   ... ... ...   ... ... ...
[10:42] yse: a few friendly kicks!
[10:42] CherryMay: SSS SSS SSS?
[10:42] *** Upth has been kicked from #soniccenter by SprintGod: ...
[10:42] *** Upth has joined #soniccenter.
[10:42] *** Mode change "+o Upth" for channel #soniccenter by ChanBot.
[10:42] *** Mode change "+v Upth" for channel #soniccenter by CodeGirl.
[10:42] *** SkyL has been kicked from #soniccenter by SprintGod: ...
[10:42] *** You were kicked from #soniccenter by SprintGod: ...

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #297 on: September 19, 2007, 04:07:14 pm »
[22:04] * RolkWork has quit IRC (Quit: This just isn't my day!)

My YouTube profile. Lots of Sonic speedruns~

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #298 on: September 21, 2007, 03:27:07 pm »
I think I have the abridged 'drunken log' of which Alondite speaks.

Setup: Alondite was saying some pretty outrageous stuff he could not defend, and ignored Sprint, Stefan, and co as they countered everything Alondite said on a point-by-point basis.

<-- Sprint has kicked Alondite from #soniccenter (your stupidity bores me)
--> Alondite (Alondite@757D7A6B.AC43482B.46C66399.IP) has joined #soniccenter
--- CodeGirl gives voice to Alondite
<Alondite> so i have a different opinion and therefor am stupid
<Alondite> nice, quality character you have there sprint
<genus> no, you fail to support your opinion and are therefore a dipshit
<Sprint> no, you're stupid therefore you dont' understand facts
<Alondite> no
<Alondite> it's because you disagree
<Alondite> i could say Metroid Prime is my favorite game because I like the art direction and varied gameplay
<Sprint> hey alondite, does 0.999 recurring  equal 1?
<Alondite> and you could say " oh well it can't be your favorite game then because the graphics and gameplay suck therefor you are an idiot"
<Alondite> that is more or less what you are saying
<Alondite> bascially saying my OPINION is wrong
<Alondite> like you are fucking God or something
--- Sprint is now known as SprintGod


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Re: Official Utterly Long and Boring Chatroom Log Segments
« Reply #299 on: October 04, 2007, 01:25:03 pm »
Because de ja vu is "funny"

[2007-10-04 13:19:17] <GerbilSoft[work]> New Record GerbilSoft got 212194 on SRA / Scores / Haunted Ship 1 (Sonic)
[2007-10-04 13:19:19] <Thorn> he might have a tie
[2007-10-04 13:19:27] <ShadowJacky> wtf?
[2007-10-04 13:19:34] <MaxFirestorm> Gerbilsoft you git XD
[2007-10-04 13:19:40] <Zeupar> bs
[2007-10-04 13:19:42] <GerbilSoft[work]> New Record Michael Larson got 110237 on SRA / Scores / Ghost Condor (Sonic)
[2007-10-04 13:19:46] <Zeupar> xDDDDDDDDDD
[2007-10-04 13:19:46] <MaxFirestorm> ;.;
[2007-10-04 13:19:47] <ShadowJacky> >_>
[2007-10-04 13:19:49] <GerbilSoft[work]> <_<
[2007-10-04 13:19:50] <MaxFirestorm> NO FAIR
[2007-10-04 13:19:53] <Zeupar> sorry thorn
[2007-10-04 13:19:56] <Zeupar> I can't avoid it
[2007-10-04 13:20:04] <Tails> !pylspin
[2007-10-04 13:20:05] <CodeGirl> Tails stops at 00,03 $5000 + ONE SPIN !
[2007-10-04 13:20:06] <Thorn> ooh ooh make Jack Thompson get records
[2007-10-04 13:20:16] =-= GerbilSoft[work] was booted from #soniccenter by YOU (I CALL BS! GerbilSoft didn't get 212194 on SRA / Scores / Haunted Ship 1 (Sonic))
[2007-10-04 13:20:39] <MaxFirestorm> XD
[2007-10-04 13:20:42] <Thorn> Zeupar I don't really care X)
[2007-10-04 13:20:42] <Thorn> swish
[2007-10-04 13:20:51] <Spinballwizard> Best part is that he's on cgi and doesn't have autorejoin X)
[2007-10-04 13:20:56] -->| GerbilSoft[work] ( has joined #soniccenter
[2007-10-04 13:21:03] <GerbilSoft[work]> fu, i'm on cgiirc and don't have autorejoin
<Tails> also "GET BLUE SPHERES" on a black-and-white TV remains the best special stage of all time

<Achlys> wat ave you done!
<Spinballwizard> apparently killed your h key


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